Furutech deStat original v's Furutech deStat II

Has anyone tried both these units. I'm trying to find out if one is better/more effective than the other for vinyl.

In addition if someone can ofer the comparison of the size and ease of handleing. I have the original and find it pretty bulky to hold, is the II smaller and lighter?

$425 at Galen Carol or TTVJ
I have deStat I which works very well but have not tried deStat II. However, for the price, it would be well worth just looking into regular hair dryer that has negative ion. Panasonic makes a few models with negative ions as far as I know. Not sure about other brand though, only for $30-40, if I rememeber correctly. When I try it on LPs that has a lot of static when I touch them. Furutech is faster at getting rid of static but the Panasonic hair dryer will do the same thing but a bit slower but also blows much stronger to get rid off some dust. The manual did say that it will generate negative ion even when use with fan only and no heat so there is no worry about damaging LP with heat.