Best Pre with a built-n phono section?

I’m wondering if there is a preamp out there that has a great built in phono section. Due to space limitations, I’d rather not go the separate pre / phono pre route. Associated equipment: Spectron Musician IIISE MK II amp, Magnepan 3.6 speakers, Electrocompaniet CD Player, Nottingham Ace TT with a Benz Glider H2 cartridge (2.5 mV output.) I would probably need to go SS pre; I could use a tubed pre if the heat out put was minimal. Thanks in advance for your suggestions!
The CAT preamps are very, very good tube units, and I believe that the Legend is currently the best iteration (I owned a Mk. III many years ago).

Sound quality aside, downsides are excessively high output, which reduces the range on the volume control with sensitive amps (e.g., 9 O'Clock position is already loud and 11 O'Clock is super loud), no remote, and a hard-wired power supply connected by a stiff, thick umbilical cord that is unwieldy.

Th phono stage works with MC's down to 0.4 mv. output without problem - MC's with lower outputs require especially low-noise tubes.

Only the very top preamps are better.
I much enjoy the Jadis JP-80MC, with mods and Tele's throughout. Excellent delineation, very extended and yet almost as mid-range-magical as before the mods. I find it does require step-up with cart. below 0.4 output.
I've owned many preamps and have no desire to switch since I've owned a Shindo (other than upgrading to higher end Shindos). Expensive but worth it. Hand made and tuned by an Artisan who has been at his craft for over 3 decades.
There is no "BEST" and really the rest are only opinions but that being said there still have been some great ideas provided by others, I would suggest you add VAC to your list.