Vintage Philips MC cartridges, but who built them?

Philips distributed a number of MC cartridges, mostly in Japan. Type-numbers are GP922, GP922Z, G924XE and G925XS

Here >>click<< is a picture.

Where have these MC cartidges been built?

Rgds, L.
After seeing them on the net, I've been curios too. This site is interesting, and they say Philips did make some. But the rest, makes me wonder, even thought I don't recall hearing one. I've had their USA products in the past ('80s), and would say they were decent. Link []

Evidence suggests that these cartridges were designed and built by Namiki.

Although unheralded outside of Japan, I consider these cartridges (probably 1978; 1979 at the latest) to be historically important because they are the first yokeless MC designs that I am aware of.

IIRC, the original GP922 was a one-magnet design similar to the later Ortofon MC200 (Concord type), while the GP922Z was a more sensible two-magnet design along the lines of Sumiko's US patent #4675859, but predating it by perhaps 7~8 years.

hth, jonathan carr
I thought Seiji Yoshioka was the first to do the yokeless design? But then, Ive been wrong in the past. []
I give up. []
Philips intended to start own cart production and bought the Micro Seiki MA 505 (S) tonearm for the purpose. This tonearm was never used because this intention was never
actualize. I got this tonearm from a Philips engineer for
400 Euro. I was of course very glad with such an opportunity but also assume that Halcro will be glad to read that Philips has selected this tonearm.
