Advice on first MC cartridge

I have a Merrill/Scillia modded AR tt with a Rega (moth)301 arm, AT 150-mlx
cart and Ray Samuels Nighthawk phonostage. I like the cartridge but would like to try moving coil in the $1k-2k new or used range. I really like the musicality of this cartridge but think I could get more detail, extension etc. Anyone with a Rega tonearm that has a good match with a higher end Dynavector, Ortofon,
Lyra, Clearaudio etc. Any advice appreciated.
George (my wife is auntjenof2)
I sell the Audio Technica AT-33EV and the Denon DS-S1 walks all over it.

No contest.
Demon 103r -- add the heavy weight balance in the rear and a few gram weight to the head, thereby changing the overall mass of the tonearm and you'll be in heaven for under $500.

I did the on an RB300 with incognito wiring...
Typo, ha! Auto complete on my iPad turned Denon into Demon. Worst part is I missed it.
I would first think about upgrading the phonostage. You would waist your money otherwise. If you want $1500 new cartridge you would want, say, $2500-$3000 new phono stage.
But frankly, if I were you I would replace the entire front end including phono and cables. You want a realy good sound and are prepared to pay for it. Then why not get it? Start with the phono and work your way up, or start with the table/arm and work your way down.