Acustic Raven One vs Basis 2200 Signature

I would appreciate hearing the impressions of anyone who has been able to isolate and compare the sound between these two turntables with regard to midrange presence and top and bottom end extension and detail.
Stanwal...Your last sentence obviously can be pretty telling. It's why I'm hoping there are some who have listened to the two different tables using the same associated equipment, and have been able to note the separate contributions of each table to the system's sound. Of course, this is a pretty uncommon occurance. Still, I appreciate your impressions and welcome those of any others. Based on what I've read elsewhere without the two tables' sounds being isolated, it seems the Raven would have the edge on warmth. In any event, I'm curious to hear what others will say.
I want to add something in terms of what I'm looking for: A sound that has a sense of ease in its presentation or tends toward relaxed, with instruments sounding more rounded or fleshed out.
You might also want to listen to Nottingham Hyperspace and Dias. Nottingham has a cult following and for a good reason.