Anyone compare Ortofon A90 vs Lyra Titan i?

I have an A90 which I have broken the cantilever off. Whoops. I plan on having it rebuilt by ortofon but have been told it will take about a month.

I have not heard a Lyra cart yet and am wondering what the differences may be. Both have been discibed as very neutral sounding.

I don't have system page yet so I will list my eq so you know what I'm working with.

Reed 3Q 12" tonearm.
Technics SP10 mk2a in home made 65 lb. plinth
Allnic H3000 phonopre
Aesthetix Callisto pre
Innersound amps
Innersound Kaya loudspeakers

I really like the A90 but I am looking at alternatives as I may add a second tonearm at some point.

Are looking for something that sounds different or something very similar to the A90?

Not knowing someone's preference, system, room acoustics, etc., makes it hard to make a specific recommendation. All I can say is that I've heard both (I own a Titan), and both are really fine cartridges that can deliver terrific sound. There are certainly a lot of other cartridges that would be contenders too. I personally like the Transfiguration Orheus L (I own that one too), and I have heard great sounding systems that use Allaerte cartridges. Of my two cartridges, I really cannot say which I prefer. In my system, the slightly more prominent upper midrange of the Orpheus is a plus, but, I like the beautifully open and extended sound of the Titan too. I suppose that, if I had to pick one, it would be the Titan.

I haven't done much direct comparisons of cartridges myself. In a friend's system, we once did direct comparisons involving two arms (Phantom and Vector IV) on a single table. Two of my friends preferred the Orpheus to the Titan with either arm (I marginally preferred the Orpheus).

In Stereophile magazine, Michael Fremer wrote about making digital copies of the A90 and the Orpheus playing the same tracks which he then played on various systems at shows. He reported that the majority of listeners preferred the Orpheus (for what that is worth).

That is troubling to hear. I wonder if others that have had it rebuilt feel the same way?


I do not think that a more prominent upper midrange would be a good thing in my system.

I like the tonal balance of the A90. It seems about right to me.

I enjoy classic rock, jazz, some folk, little classical. I prefer music that has vocals. I think that is why I don't dig classical as much.


Since you are having the A90 fixed, it still probably pays to have an alternative that sounds slightly different--just to keep things interesting. The Titan is a slightly cooler sounding cartridge than the Orpheus. I cannot say how it compares to the A90 because I haven't heard a side-by-side comparison.

Any of a number of Lyra cartridges will probably be good alternatives (slightly different, but not extremely different). I have owned a number of Lyra cartridges and all have proven to be very long-lived, great at tracking, and quiet (low amount of ticks and pops).
Been thinking about these cartridges. How on earth could Ortofon take the position that they cannot or won't rebuild the A90? Do they mean to tell its owners that they spent ca $4000 for a cartridge that has a life span only equal to that of its stylus assembly? Doesn't make sense to me. On the other hand, some audiophiles do like to be abused by manufacturers. Can Expert Stylus in England or Soundsmith in US rebuild the A90?

Thanks for the feedback.

Variety is the spice of life. Yes I want something different but equally refined and transparent.

Does anyone know what rooms at RMAF I might find Lyra carts in action? Same with Transfiguration?
