Your trip to RMAF sounds like it would be fun. As you are well aware, in terms of listening to alternatives, there are so many variables involved, auditioning may not really prove that much. The best I've ever gotten out of a show (I've been to several CES/THE SHOW and CEDIA shows), was some very general observations, such as: setups with this or that cartridge seem to always sound bright.
But, talking with exhibitors can, at least, give you an idea of what manufacturers of tables/arms and retailers think of certain cartridges. For example, at a recent regional show in the DC area, I got to talk with the proprietor of High Water Sound (NYC). We talked mostly about records, but, I am sure someone like that could give you interesting insights. High Water is BIG on analogue, and I am sure they could represent virtually any brand of cartridge of their liking (I believe they were showing with the Ortofon A90 or its cousin the PW).
The closest thing to a reasonable side-by-side comparisons would be the digital recordings some people make of different cartridges playing the same records. If you can get some of those, you can at least hear some semblance of what the cartridge may sound like through your own speakers.
I've been pretty lucky. I have been able to take home cartridges for audition, something that I know is not always possible. I got to do that with both the Titan and the Orpheus. I never took home the top of the line Allaert for audition, but, a local DC dealer actually allowed regular customers to take home that cartridge. I was a bit too chicken to take home a $12,000 cartridge for audition--I might break it, or I might like it -- either result would have been BAD.