Tube Phono Stage vs Solid State What do you think?

I am thinking of getting a phonostage and is looking at ASR Basis Exclusive 2010 solid state unit, BAT VK P-10SE with super pack, and Allnic H3000. I have never heard any of these units and would like to hear your opinion on solid state phono stage vs tube phonostage. And also your opinion on these units that I am looking at.
What don't you like about your current Modwright tube Phono Stage?
It certainly looks like an impressive piece of kit and has some nice reviews.
If it's bass that you're not happy with, have you tried the rectifier tube swap that Greg Weaver did in his positive feedback review?

For bass tightness and impact, I expect a SS phono will have the edge over a tube unit. Personally I find tubes to reproduce musical textures more realistically. Be careful not to 'throw baby out with the bathwater' - been there, done that.
The other thing I've found with SS phono pre amps is that they are better dynamically but seem to operate in 2D more than the 3D sound that I think you get with tubes. When I've hooked up even a pretty high cost SS, I always seem to lose depth in the sound stage.
What preamp are you using? Many tube phono pre have rather high output impedance and will not drive many solid state pre amps wiht 10k input impedance all that well. There are only a handful of tube phono units that work well with solid state preamp.
On the other hand SS phono should be able to drive any solid state or tube pre quite well.
>>08-26-11: Inna
Any of the phonostages you mentioned would be overkill for your cartridges<<


The Denon DL-S1 is a killer cartridge and a great value.