How does the drum kit sound on your rig?

I have heard it said that if you dial in the cymbals the rest takes care of itself. Do you find this to be true?

Can your system go BANG! I don't mean letting the magic smoke out but the sound - BANG!
Not thud, thump, pfud, pud, etc, but BANG like a gun or hammer hitting a piece of wood.


Pretty good...I could use more power, though :-) My loudspeakers can handle a lot of power and produce very clean, crisp, and coherent sound.

A drum kit is an excellent instrument to evaluate a system/room.

Best regards,
Drums are the primary reason I listen to vinyl. Even on a modest system they have better dynamics and are warmer and more realistic sounding than on digital. Dialing in just the cymbals is tricky as it is highly dependent on how they were recorded. Mic placement, the mic and preamp make all the difference.

Assuming they are well recorded and still sound harsh, it could be the room. A bright live room contributes enough reflection to make them sound ringy. Sorry but there's no power cord in the world that will fix that. My rule of thumb is if they sound good on headphones, they should sound good in the room. If not, room treatment is a wise place to start.

recording. Room reflections
sounds very good, best by far on the ohm 5s. as good as any rig i have heard. hard to
beat. no complaints. recording quality will vary though.
this was a goal well accomplished for my system.
I'm finally happy with the drums and I have Quad ESL57s... so it's not a thundering amount of bass drum but very realistic and, now that I've finally got my vinyl front end dialed in, very tuneful... which is a term I've seen written about but until now not really experienced. Cymbals are always excellent on the Quads!
With my JM Labs 1027's and Bryston 4b-ST drums sound very good and very realistic. They sound good with my OPPO 82 SE and my Amadeus TT. So yes, I am happy with how drums sound in my room. I am lucky that I have a drummer friend who helped me tweak and setup my system. I have made some changes since he was at my place so I can't wait for him to come by and listen for himself.