VPI 10.5i - Which armwands do I own?


I do have 2 different VPI JMW 10.5i armwands.

apart from the different weight- 430 grams and 486 grams (without counter weights)- there are some additional differences which can be seen in the picture shown here:

Pse help me to identify which armwands I have!!

Thanks vm in advance

It looks like you have an aluminum, and a stainless steel arm wand. The sound is the same (it looks like they are both wired with Valhalla). The stainless steel one is newer. They changed it to accommodate more cartridges which require more heft. They are both set up the same way, and if you are using either Benz or Dyna cartridges, they both are equally good.
You say the one with the "slanted" azimuth ring can't be adjusted. I have one with the same azimuth ring, and it's adjustable. Did you loosen the two set screws holding it in place? It's still stiff to turn with the screws backed off, but it will move.