Tubed Linestage

I may be upgrading from a ARC PH-3SE to an ARC PH-7. My sound has a bit of an edge to it, which the upgrade may fix. I was wondering about going to a tubed linstage and bypassing my current linestage solid state preamp. I currently have the ARC 3 going into a Theta CB3, then into 2 Krell KMA-160's with a couple of MAXX II's at the end. I read where it was suggested that ARC equipment doesn't mate well with Krell. Any comments or suggestions? I'm looking for a warm, yet clear sound. Oh-I'm using a Clearadio Emotion with a Maestro cart on the front.

>>I read where it was suggested that ARC equipment doesn't mate well with Krell...

I have never heard that before. I ran an ARC PH-3SE and LS-16 into a Krell KAV-250 powering my Apogee hybrid ribbons for years, and I thought that it sounded great. Although I ultimately replaced the Krell amp with a refurbished McCormack unit, I can't say that there was a mismatch between the ARC gear and the Krell amp. If you like the Krell sound it will be fine. If you don't, it won't.
I used to use a FPB 600 and tried an ARC preamp with it and really loved the sound. It's what convinced me there was something to the tube sound. Audition in your system first if possible but I think you'll be fine.
Hi Handy,

I think you are starting to see a theme here...ARC and Krell are not known to any of us who've posted as having bad synergy. And i have actually spoken with people who've actually elected to go with the combination. Good luck!
I appreciate all of your responses. The subject (krells don't match with ARC) came from a comment from a fellow audiogoner. It appears they have been out voted. One thing I have noted when reading reviews of the most recent ARC preamps, 17, 26 & 27 is most reviewer's say they have lost some of that classic warm tube sound. ******* Any comments on this subject?*******
I wrote my last comment before reading responses to my other thread. The Aesthetix Calypso seems to get a lot of recommendations and has "glowing" (pun intended) reviews. Looks like I'm in the market for a Calypso.