You Still Need, What??

I had told my wife I was going to buy a turntable and have been buying vinyl for the last 6 months. Well, about a week ago I bought the table, a VPI Super scoutmaster.

I got the tt home and my wife said ,"It will be nice that you can finally play your albums" I looked at here and said I still need a phono stage and cartridge. She couldn't beleive it. Not to mention the record cleaning machine, stylus pressure guage , etc.

When she was asking the price of the cartridge(diamond needle)she felt that would be better spent for a new shiny sparkly for her finger.

Anyone else with a similar experience with the significant other not relizing all that is required for a vinyl system.
Nandric - If you need to have this discussion prior to getting married then you should already know that you're talking to the wrong person.

I have always made sure that my wife is well taken care of so that when I do choose to spent money on toys it's not a selfish purchase. When we were first married I got her a new flute that was much better quality than the one she had and even though she doesn't play it a lot, it's one of her favorite things.

Not only do I like to have nice things, but I much prefer for her to also have nice things.

If you know what's required prior to making a purchase make sure she's fully informed so that she doesn't think that you're constantly changing the plan.

You wouldn't like it if she came home with a new dress and then you found out that she also wanted new shoes and a purse that were also expensive. You'd prefer to know upfront, return the favor.
You neglected to budget a bribe for your wife when buying an expensive toy for yourself? You told her the truth about the real cost of stereo gear? For pity's sake, man, keep quiet about cables and NOS tubes, or you'll completely blow it. And she won't.

I liked some of your responses.I am lucky that I don't have to ask if I can buy that, my wife knows this is my hobby.

She was however shocked that it was going to cost thousands more for a phono stage and cartridge.

When I bought my last pre, I bought a nice diamond ring which my step son said was to soften the blow.

Are the bear paw feet the same height as the stock feet on the superscoutmaster as it has to mate with the external drive unit? Also , I plan on getting the 2 peice Gingko cloud base for the scoutmaster.

Darn, that's 1 more item.
Symposium Ultra is much better under a turntable.When they show up on Audiogon they sell in a few hours,wonderful product.
Sell all the equipment you have, spend all this money on diamonds for her and then divorce that woman.
After that wait and see what happens.