Lehmann Black Cube question

This phono pre has been around for some time,
in production.

Does anyone here who has familiarity with this unit
know about what sort of evolutionary changes the
Black Cube has undergone over the years ?

If one were to purchase a used Cube, are there any that
might be considered "better" for one reason or another,
or are all versions just fine ?

Thanks much for any insight.
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I bought the original Black Cube when it first came out based on the over-the-top reviews and user comments. Big mistake! It sounded mediocre at best. I don't know if later models sounded better (I would certainly hope so), but I would be skeptical.
The original Black Cube was the worst - sounding device I've ever heard in my system. It was efectively a PRaT filter: everything played through it came out sounding torpid and uninvolving. To cite one example, on the wonderfully driving "Sing, Sing, Sing" from Benny Goodman's 1939 Carnegie Hall concert, the Black Cube made Gene Krupa sound like he was playing underwater. The original BC was allegedly improved a little by replacing the stock power cord, but I didn't care enough to try that. You should definitely audition before buying.
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Thanks for remembering my efforts from long ago, Viridian. Bruce Kennett wrote the review of the Black Cube that appeared in "Listener" and he thought it sucked too, although he worded that opinion much more eloquently! I know I wrote a couple of paragraphs as a second opinion on the BC but I don't recall if Art ran it with Bruce's review. My back issues aren't handy at the moment. You're right though, majority opinion on the original Black Cube back then was that it was a giant killer.