Dear Lew, I own the SEAC 407/23 for which it seems to be impossible to get the u. manual. So I made a copy of 308N from VE to get some idea about the construction. There is no mention of null points in this manual. For my 407/23
there are also all kinds of 'suggestions' reg. the null points but nobody knows for sure. According to some former Australian importer of the SEAC brand the sufix '23' means Baerwald but this was dismissed by others as a myth. It is
very strange that there are so many indistinc opinions about SEAC geometry.BTW I assume that you know that there are two versions of the 308; the sufix 'N' refers to 'new'.
there are also all kinds of 'suggestions' reg. the null points but nobody knows for sure. According to some former Australian importer of the SEAC brand the sufix '23' means Baerwald but this was dismissed by others as a myth. It is
very strange that there are so many indistinc opinions about SEAC geometry.BTW I assume that you know that there are two versions of the 308; the sufix 'N' refers to 'new'.