The greatest MM and MI cartridges ....

.... survived the test of time with flying colors.

Would like to know your mind about what MM and MI cartridges did really survive in our memory and were able to hold their sonic standard against all fashions.
There is a lot of them. The Audio Technica AT 15sa or 20ss. The Azden YM-P50Vl. The Ortofon M20fl. The Signet TK7 or 10 series. The Empire 2000E/4000D series. The Astatic MF-100. The Garrott Bros. P77. The Technics EPC 100CM MK4. The previously mentioned Graces. I could go on and on. All that I have mentioned would give any, and I do mean any MC a run for the money, beating most of them. The cartridges that I have mentioned can be found hear on this site for $50 to $300. It's depressing to know that I currently own a $3500 MC (Benz Micro Ruby III), that can only sightly better a couple of the cartridges that I mentioned. I hav other MC's that can't beat ANY of them!
Mofo and Griff...., are most (all?) of the carties you listed still being made today?? If so, how much do they generally cost?? Griff... mentioned prices ranging from $50 to $300. I assume that's used.

None mentioned are in production today. All can be found on this site or e/bay, either used or NOS. If you want to know of a MM that is currently being manufacture today and is as good as or better than any of the ones mentioned, then get yourself a Clearaudio Virtuoso Wood. New, around $1000. Used, less than half that. I bought my 3rd Virtuoso used with a new Sound Smith retip for $400 last month. This cartridge will take a back seat to NO one. Just amazing!