The greatest MM and MI cartridges ....

.... survived the test of time with flying colors.

Would like to know your mind about what MM and MI cartridges did really survive in our memory and were able to hold their sonic standard against all fashions.
Hi Mosin,
**Mentioned was the AT-95. this happens to be the same cartridge as the Linn K5 or the Clearaudio Aurum Beta S. I own all these incarnations, and I assure you that they are really nothing to write home about. They not bad, mind you, but they fall way short of mind blowing. I'll probably never mount them on a tonearm again.**

What those cartridges share is the same housing and stylus plug. The generators are all different. The K5 has output of 4.5mV, the others are 3.6mV. The 95E has 2.8K impedance as opposed to 660 ohms for the CA. What is similar is the stylus/cantilever, cu, and obviously your listening conclusions. I suspect that if you put a different stylus assembly on the Aurum Beta S, you could equal or exceed the performance of a Virtuoso. The generators seem to be identical.
Hi Halcro,
I'm curious about your list, specifically the Decca. Do/did you own one? Care to elaborate? I notice it's at the top of the list.
Agree with Halcro.

I could live with the Signet TK7SU forever. With the right arm and phono preamp, it's a monster performer.

Interestingly enough, it performs much better in one of my less expensive tonearms (Hadcock 242) when compared to much more expensive tonearms (Triplanar and Dynavector 507 MkII.). Given the Signet is a mid 1970's model, perhaps this is not surprising as the Hadcock is a much older design than the others. YMMV

Dealer disclaimer
Regards, Dertonarm. The Shure ML-140HE might be considered as a candidate for top-tier MM.

Not so sure about "with flying colors" but having survived almost fourty years of service, the Shure V15-111 deserves at least an honorable mention.
