Agree with Halcro.
I could live with the Signet TK7SU forever. With the right arm and phono preamp, it's a monster performer.
Interestingly enough, it performs much better in one of my less expensive tonearms (Hadcock 242) when compared to much more expensive tonearms (Triplanar and Dynavector 507 MkII.). Given the Signet is a mid 1970's model, perhaps this is not surprising as the Hadcock is a much older design than the others. YMMV
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I could live with the Signet TK7SU forever. With the right arm and phono preamp, it's a monster performer.
Interestingly enough, it performs much better in one of my less expensive tonearms (Hadcock 242) when compared to much more expensive tonearms (Triplanar and Dynavector 507 MkII.). Given the Signet is a mid 1970's model, perhaps this is not surprising as the Hadcock is a much older design than the others. YMMV
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