ZYX Omega or UNIverse?

These are available for the same price. What are the differences in sonic character? I'd be running with Phantom II or Clearaudio Universal arm, on an Innovation Wood table, with a Steelhead II. All thoughts welcome.
I'd put the A90 ahead of those other cartridges too. As I posted back on 10/01/11, "...I'd at least consider putting it on a similar plane to the UNIverse."

Any cartridge that comes close to a UNIverse will outplay lower range ZYX's (including the Omega, which is a lower range cartridge regardless of what it costs). As to outplaying those Koetsus, this isn't so difficult.

The A90's among the best 5 or 6 cartridges I've heard. Glad you're enjoying!
Syntax, you should talk to Mehran about ceilings becoming floors.

Tell him I sent you, he'll tell you why. ;)