The impedance of any ESL is a complex function of many factors, but basically an ESL can be viewed as a giant capacitor. Thus it will tend to have high impedance at low frequencies, and the impedance will tend to fall off at the very highest audio frequencies. More than one ESL measures 2 ohms impedance or less at 20kHz, for example. However, that same panel may well measure 100 ohms at 20 Hz. The step-up ratio of the audio transformer is also a major factor in impedance; many if not most "modern" ESLs present a relatively low impedance load as a deliberate design choice, to make the speaker more friendly to solid state amplification. Martin-Logan speakers are a particular example of this. The impedance seen by the amplifier will vary inversely as the square of the step up ratio of the audio transformer. So choosing a high-ish step-up ratio will tend to result in low impedance even across the mid-band. Crossover networks also tend to reduce impedance around the crossover point. My point is that your Joule amps can certainly drive any ESL that is built or modified to work well with a tube amp, i.e., any ESL with a decent impedance curve (e.g., >8 ohms) at low and mid-frequencies. There is little electrical energy required at 20kHZ, so a very low impedance at such high frequencies is nothing to worry about. For example, my SL speakers measured impedance at ~500Hz in stock form was about 5 ohms or less, not good for an OTL. When I removed all the crossover parts from my SLs and substituted the treble audio transformer with a full-range audio transformer, the impedance now measures 20-25 ohms at mid-frequencies. Needless to say, my Atma amps are in OTL heaven driving my 845PX speakers. And the improvement in sound afforded by getting rid of the crossover brought tears of joy to my eyes.
Try an original Quad 57 or a KLH9. Those great speakers were made to mate with tube amps from the get-go. You will be amazed.
Try an original Quad 57 or a KLH9. Those great speakers were made to mate with tube amps from the get-go. You will be amazed.