Intermittent Static pops in one channel

When playing vinyl, a new recent thing has developed over the last month. I've noticed that I've been getting an increasing number of static pops only in the left channel. Almost never seems to cone from right channel. This really iisn't distortion (too much anti-skate), but frequent static like pops and clicks.

Cleaned stylus, using anti-static brush, and washing records hasn't really helped. Rechecked stylus alignment and azimuth to no effect. Any ideas? Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
Ugh, now back in both channels with a vengeance, with L > R and seemingly higher noise floor regardless of cart loading. Well, here goes - phono pre, junction box, tonearm, or cart. The investigation starts this week. Ugh....
Another possibility is a capacitor problem somewhere in the chain. Dont know how old your components are but as they age the capacitors go bad and can discharge during loud passages, giving you a loud pop or crack, Usually though this is a problem only if you have any component thats 15 to 20 years old. IF thats the problem it can only be fixed by replacing the offending capacitors.
Good thought Mitch. My Cadence is around 8 years old. Play CD's through the preamp are great - no noise or static. Its got to be phono pre - junction box - or cart I bet. Don't see how it can be tonearm. Never manipulated it and the attachments to the cart look and feel solid.