Cartridges: low output vs. high output

Could someone please explain why these variations exist? I have only had high output cartridges. Why is there low output? I recently saw an ad here on Audiogon where the seller stated he wanted to move back to high output…

So, what are the +’s and –‘s of each?

Thank you.

BTW, I have a Sota Star with a SME IV arm and am thinking of upgrading the cartridge.
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For me the answer starts with what Phono stage you plan to use, because matching is the most important factor. Also helps to know in absolute terms which input (MM or MC)sounds better on your Phono. There aren't a lot of cartridge manufactures that sell different output levels of the same cart, are you willing to change brands?
Thanks for the responses guys and shedding some light on this.

As Vusi mentioned, I will first start with an inquiry to Conrad Johnson on their phono preamp I have, namely the EF1, for compatibility with a LOMC. If my suspicion is correct that the EF1’s gain can be adjusted sufficiently for a LOMC, I’ll consider them for replacement. I’ll look to gather info on the experiences others have had with them and go from there.

As Viridian alluded to, this will come down to personal preference I’m sure.
I believe in the past, the general scuttlebutt was that LOMCs were superior to their high-output brothers. Of course, most of the people who said this, probably had phono stages, with their associated costs, that could handle the LOMC.