What does mist racking actually sound like?

I have heard descriptions of this as gross as 'skipping' and varying to distortion on dynamic passages to intermittent pops. I'm probably sure all of the above are true to a varying degree, but does someone have mp3 audio tracks of the examples of mist racking? I would love to hear it.
Oh God, what have I started?! Ha! No, not my VTF/anti-skate explorations, but my darn laziness in spell checking. We've degenerated to racks - the snack tray variety! Yum!
Also, the inner tracks may reveal it more sometimes. I guess it's do to information in the small radius. This happens on linear tracking arms too, so it's not a pivot arm defect. Slight static, hissing sound around the letter "S" sounds on a vocal would be another example of explaining it. Sometimes it is a bad pressing, or the master tape. A good record with a choir might help. It might help float and center the image better, especially using the anti-skate.
I'm off by a factor of 10, make that 1 to 1.5 rpm. Thanks, Doug, for showing me that trick. It is the fastest way to find out if it is damage or not.