Denon 301 II up and running.

I have been in the sorting out stage on my analog setup: original Black Widow tonearm, Technics SP-25 turntable and a pretty massive homemade plinth ( nice piece bought from a woodworker on Canuuck Audio Mart with the tonearm already set up ), Cardas Hexlink tonearm cable and Ray Samuels NightHawk. Been through a few NOS MM cartridges and one AT33EV. The Denon has been been running for three album sides and I can say it is a keeper. I love its sound with symphony, very large sound. If the recording allows my system will convey images very tall and wide and this cartridge does that. Very quiet so far also. Can't wait for it to open up.
With the Samuels Nighthawk I load the 310 at 100ohm, 50 too low and 500 it seems bright.
With the 301 mkII and the Jolida I have the gain set on #2(medium gain) and impedence is set on #1 (100 ohms). The capacitance switches are all in the off position.
Regards, Sam