Turntable speed accuracy

There is another thread (about the NVS table) which has a subordinate discussion about turntable speed accuracy and different methods of checking. Some suggest using the Timeline laser, others use a strobe disk.

I assume everyone agrees that speed accuracy is of utmost importance. What is the best way to verify results? What is the most speed-accurate drive method? And is speed accuracy really the most important consideration for proper turntable design or are there some compromises with certain drive types that make others still viable?
Dear Geoch, I agree totally with your 'whealty assumption'
reg. the ''exclusive TT's''. The prices are 'astronomical' but obviously not economical. Ie those are not easy to sell. So your pressuposed 'whealthy victims' are probable very scarce kind of the human kind. I do believe that we in this forum are crazy but within the reasonable bondaries. Not a merrit of our psychology but of our means. I see that you are very well informed about those 'exclusive babys'. I never heard about George Bernard btw.

Dear Lew, I had no idea that you can be also charming. I was 'programmed' to expect mainly critical remarks from you. Thanks for your comment about my Kuzma. But before my Kuzma I owned the Audiomeca J 1 . They are very similar qua design philosophy so it may be the case that Kuzma 'borrowed' some ideas from Lurne.

01-22-12: Lewm
We interrupt this program for one comment on tt speed accuracy: For those of you who have been holding your breath for a report on the speed accuracy of my SP10 Mk3, results are in: Perfect!

Same for me, in fact the MK3 is the only turntable we have tested so far that has zero movement.

01-22-12: Ketchup

Congratulations. Is that with the stylus in the groove?

In my case no movement either way.

In fact, I can play an LP all the way through, 33 or 45 speed and the Timeline laser is still beaming at the same spot on the wall when I cue up the arm at the end.
Hi Albert,

when you say the MK3 is the only one tested with zero movement is that also making reference to the NVS you also own currently?

You did own the one NVS prior which you were listening to for a while and statrted hearing noises 'bearing" and sent it back to be fixed, you know what I mean.

I'm not trying to bring up past issues but just curious.
01-22-12: Halcro
Good news Lew,
But are you sure the Timeline is accurate? :^)

I can answer for Lew, I test each and every Sutherland Timeline by putting them on my MK3.

If the Timeline holds true and steady for an entire side of a heavily modulated LP, it passes and is ready to be shipped to the waiting customer ( :^D )