Turntable speed accuracy

There is another thread (about the NVS table) which has a subordinate discussion about turntable speed accuracy and different methods of checking. Some suggest using the Timeline laser, others use a strobe disk.

I assume everyone agrees that speed accuracy is of utmost importance. What is the best way to verify results? What is the most speed-accurate drive method? And is speed accuracy really the most important consideration for proper turntable design or are there some compromises with certain drive types that make others still viable?
I decided to try another method for the thread drive.
I connected a thread to the platter and one motor (green French silk).....whilst another thread altogether connecting the other motor to the platter (black French silk).
Re-calibrated the motor-controller using the Timeline (needed to increase the speed due to stylus drag) and listened to the previously warbling flute on the Massenet Le Cid.
No warbling now :-)......and the Timeline is slightly more constant than with the rubber belt.
Halcro - looks like the 2 threads are touching. If so you might want to put a shim under one of the motors to lift it slightly and separate the threads. Would be interesting to try 1 motor/thread. Cheers.
I kind of like the idea of not placing lateral loads on the platter bearing....and this arrangement is working so well I don't know what there is to gain with the one motor?
What harm do you think there is if the two threads touch?