Jelco tonearm for Colibri Gold LW cartridge

I am considering the Jelco SA-750D ARM

for Colibri Gold LW cartridge. The effective mass of this tonearm is 20 grams. Do you think this tonearm would work well considering the fact the cartridge is only 5 grams?

Thank you

Sorry for the pedantry, but both static and dynamic compliance could be specified with units in "Micron/mN" or "cm/dyne". They are equivalent units. (micron = .0001 cm; dyne = .01 mN.) What's unusual, I think, is that vdH use "Micron/mN" and give the static value, whereas almost everyone else uses cm/dyne and gives dynamic value. vdH also specify output at something like 5.4cm/sec stylus velocity, whereas the rest of the world use either 3.54 cm/sec (the old standard) or 5 cm/sec. This gives an optimistic idea of cartridge output, if you compare their raw number in mV to that of most other cartridges.
Another odd note pertaining to VDH's charted Colibri specifications is that they do not state what frequency the static compliance measurement pertains to. Most mfg's would state @ 100Hz or 10Hz.
Personally I would look for a more tonearm friendly cartridge and there are dozens available from Dynavector, Lyra, Benz, Clearaudio, Audio Technica, etc.

Also, don't restrict yourself to moving coils. There are many terrific moving magnets/iron (current and past) to choose from. The Audio Technica AT-150MLX is a monster perfomer at its' price.


Dealer disclaimer
I just spoke yesterday with the importer in France and he said me that the collibri love light arm, generally 8/12 grammes. But if you bought it new Van Den Hull can adapt the cartridge specially for your arm (see the US importer° as it's impossible to contact him directly.
Audiofeil, makes a valid point, you can always move towards another cartridge. The Colibri's can be rather challenging with arm/setup parameters and with so many other viable cartridge options available you need not limit yourself to this one model.