sut with phono pre, does it keep the pre's signatu

It was recommended to use a Bob's Device SUT with the MC section of my EAR 834p. Would I just get just the Bob's Device sound or will I get a combo of the EAR 834P and the Bob's? In other words would the Bob's bypass the tubes or tube signature? Thanks
I am not sure whether or not I am going the SUT direction. It was suggested by the previous owner of the EAR. He said that the MC section is the weak link on this unit. I realize that it will go through the MM but I just didn't know if you only get the tone of the SUT or also the tone the base phono pre you are using with the SUT.
You will get a combination of the two; this is inevitable as no component is totally neutral. This does not mean that it will be worse than the EAR alone; just different. The MC section is often weaker, I used a Bob's with my Musical Fidelity NuVista M3 instead of the built in MC and it was better.
Thanks for the input. I am tube rolling at the moment but also thought about giving Mitch a call to find out about his affordable mods to the EAR