At What Point is the Needle Damaging Records?

I have used my Denon 110 between 1-5 hours a day for the past three and a half years, and lately I noticed the highs are beginning to sound a little muted. Could I damage my records by not replacing the cartridge right away?

Have you tried demagnetizing your cartridge before assuming stylus damage?
Here are a couple of links to those old stylus microscopes some dealers had in the 70s. Mcintosh dealers had to buy a lot of gear back then. The Wild Heerbrug was $4000 back then. That's about $17,000 in today's dollars. Audio Classics said theirs cost them $6800 dollars. I can't find what the Shure microscope cost back then. Links.[] []
I guess their system doesn't like it.[] If you want, copy and paste might work if this doesn't.