Different Results between Record Cleaning Machines

The last thread on Record Cleaning Machines (RCMs) in 2009 covered the simple to the exotic in machinery.

RCMs haven't changed much since then, but AIVS has released 'Solution 15,' an enzyme cleaning solution, to augment their three bottle cleaning kit.

I have an older VPI RCM (the 16, not the 16.5). After cleaning with AIVS chemistry on my VPI my records, one Warner Brothers (Sweet Baby James), one RCA (Bridge Over Troubled Waters), both from 1970, didn't sound as quiet as the LPs cleaned on my friend's Loricraft using exactly the same chemistry and very similar technique. We noted a couple of things.

First, the stylus collected a *huge* amount of gunk --particularly from what was, at least chemically, a record cleaned with care, and according to AIVS instructions.

Second, after playing a couple of songs, we stopped, cleaned the stylus again, and played once more. The sound was drastically improved. Anyone have experience similar to this?

I'm a little skeptical about using an expensive TT, cartridge and stylus for auxiliary record cleaning.

Was it the 'gunk removal' that led to better sound with the second playback? Was the mold release compound coming off in globs with the needle carving its way down to the sound? Why was so much material caught on the stylus? And why didn't the RCM collect more of it?

Is the answer too obvious?

The VPI's vacuum motor is brand new. The table sounds like its bearings are arthritic when it rotates, but beside that, it turns with considerable torque.

Thanks in advance for any experience you might have about this.

At the moment I'm considering a Loricraft purchase. Anyone have a Lorcraft for sale?

Happy Thanksgiving,
againstWhile I am not nearly as obsessive about cleaning as some appear to be I have used [and been a dealer for] both VPI and Nitty Gritty for so long I have lost track. I have found them both to be effective in cleaning records and something that anyone with a sizable collection of LPs should have. I suppose some of the more expensive machines do an even better job but I have been satisfied with the ones I have had.
From what you've written, the conclusions, and answers are these that I come to.

Since you state all other aspects of the cleaning processes, which are the exact same cleaners, and methods of application are the same, then the only variable is the fluid removal, meaning the RCM.

Yes, many state the Loricraft-Monks are superior machines, and perhaps they have a number of advantages versus any slotted wand type of fluid removal.

But I don't believe any properly working VPI RCM, or any other similar type of RCM that uses a similar design of fluid removal to be so substandard and flawed in their fluid removal efficiency to be causing what you're experiencing.

I suspect a flaw-fault with the vacuum operation of your machine. Perhaps the 16.5 upgrade kit may be of help? Still, I believe the Kit will still lack the baffled fluid recovery tank that modern VPI RCMs have.

Can you elaborate more about your machine's operation?
I owned an original VPI 16(purchased in 1981), and now own the 16.5(using VPI's fluids). Many of the records in my possession, were cleaned with the first, then treated with LAST(once). I've always pre-play cleaned with a Discwasher D3 or 4 system and have NEVER experienced the least bit of gunk buildup, on my styli, which have always been treated with STYLAST(every 3 discs). Clicks, pops or any other extraneous noise during disc play, to me, would be extremely annoying. The vast majority of my albums(those purchased after my first VPI RCM), are still free of those distractions.
If you are considering the Loricraft as an upgrade, it certainly is a very fine machine. I strongly doubt that any here, such as my friend Doug Deacon, would retrograde from his Loricraft back to any wand style RCM.

The Loricraft I understand takes some knowledge to understand its operational features, which I have read Doug write about here (search the archives). Understanding the machine will no doubt be beneficial to extracting its best performance.

Still, I'll defend the VPI 16.5, or others similar to, either from VPI, or others like Clearaudio, that with the proper cleaning products, and techniques such issues as you have experienced should not be happening.

Hard to say where the shortcomings are, but as I understand about the older VPI model 16 RCM, the Wand is attached-glued to the Lid of the Machine. That it is possible you are losing vacuum pressure from a poor seal-fit of parts with this older Vacuum Wand design?

All newer VPI Machines use a vacuum wand assembly that has a good fit tolerance, for better vacuum suction with very little vacuum leakage, if any.

Others, such as the Clearaudio Smart Matrix-Smart Matrix Pro is a very nicely made machine.