
I am re starting this thread with new found additions.

Does anyone have this new music fidelity pressing? Awesome to say the least, however on Track 3 on side one, "the wind that shakes the barley" I notice only on certain dynamic volume increases the recording sounds as though it was a little "hot" in the vocals? In other words I hear a ever so slight distortion for a split second no matter what volume level I listen to this track at. Could I have a bad pressing or do you think it's simply so resolving, it's coming through via the remaster? Any help or input would be greatly appreciated.

I installed a new Rega Exact cart which has the 3 point allignment that locks you into a nearly perfect tracking angle and I still hear the same ever so slight distortion in the left channel only. Again, only on the parts of the song where Lisa really belts out a lyric. And I tried it with a Graham Slee Era Gold phono preamp, same situaion.

Could the vinyl be damaged due to mistracking with a shibata stylus on the 2M black??

I'm at a total loss.
Appeals to authority are irrelevant unless the authority addressed the issue of concern, which is not the case here.

Jimbojrjb has a *specific* problem with a *specific* passage on a *specific* LP. None of the authorities cited ever played that LP. No test record has a groove matching that passage. These authorities, even if useful in theory, are irrelevant.

The OP can play other records (and 99% of this record) with no issues. Ergo, his A/S and VTF are already in the ballpark. That's all any test record could do and he's already done it.

To clean up this one offending passage he should reduce A/S, perhaps to zero (which on a Rega arm will leave some residual A/S force in effect). Just as with a test track, A/S will be correct (for this passage) when mistracking is either absent or balanced in both channels. If reducing A/S results in balanced mistracking, he'll then need to increase VTF just enough to make tracking clean. Voila!

Define the problem and the solution defines itself.

As many of you have pointed out, and I would like to repeat is that out of my 900 plus LP's this is the ONLY one with this issue, and I have to identical copies, that have been played on 2 vastly different systems with different tables, cartridges, phono preamps, etc and I hear the issue no matter what or where I play this track on. AND its the only track on the LP that I hear any issue. So I'm inclined to chaulk it up as an issue with the pressing and or so called "re mastering" and call it a day.

Many of you have however enlightened me on several key issues and I thank you for that.
Jimborjrjb, thanks for coming back to the fray and sorry if I sullied your thread in any way.

Here's a simple test to detect damaged or flawed vinyl:

Power up your system and cue the stylus down just prior to the offending passage, but with the TT platter NOT spinning.

Now spin the platter by hand (always clockwise!) very slowly, say 3-5rpm. Play through the passage this way several times.

The music will sound like a LF moan or growl. The damage/pressing flaw, if there is one, will sound very different. Much sharper transients than any music. You'll hear the difference easily.

Then you'll know for sure whether to attempt any adjustments.