Appeals to authority are irrelevant unless the authority addressed the issue of concern, which is not the case here.
Jimbojrjb has a *specific* problem with a *specific* passage on a *specific* LP. None of the authorities cited ever played that LP. No test record has a groove matching that passage. These authorities, even if useful in theory, are irrelevant.
The OP can play other records (and 99% of this record) with no issues. Ergo, his A/S and VTF are already in the ballpark. That's all any test record could do and he's already done it.
To clean up this one offending passage he should reduce A/S, perhaps to zero (which on a Rega arm will leave some residual A/S force in effect). Just as with a test track, A/S will be correct (for this passage) when mistracking is either absent or balanced in both channels. If reducing A/S results in balanced mistracking, he'll then need to increase VTF just enough to make tracking clean. Voila!
Define the problem and the solution defines itself.
Jimbojrjb has a *specific* problem with a *specific* passage on a *specific* LP. None of the authorities cited ever played that LP. No test record has a groove matching that passage. These authorities, even if useful in theory, are irrelevant.
The OP can play other records (and 99% of this record) with no issues. Ergo, his A/S and VTF are already in the ballpark. That's all any test record could do and he's already done it.
To clean up this one offending passage he should reduce A/S, perhaps to zero (which on a Rega arm will leave some residual A/S force in effect). Just as with a test track, A/S will be correct (for this passage) when mistracking is either absent or balanced in both channels. If reducing A/S results in balanced mistracking, he'll then need to increase VTF just enough to make tracking clean. Voila!
Define the problem and the solution defines itself.