Nottingham vs. Wilson Benesch turntables?

I have assembled a great 2 channel system (Verity Parsifal Ovations, Luxman 509u integrated & D-06 cdp), and it is time to add analogue for vinyl 50's & 60's jazz, chamber music, solo piano etc. The 509u has a good phono stage, and so I need a TT, arm, and cart.

A couple of options available locally are the Nottingham Analogue Ace Spacedeck (or the similar Space 294)and their respective NA arms, the Wilson Benesch Full Circle (complete with arm and cart), the Avid Diva II (and Volvere), and Thorens.

The Nottingham and WB turntables have a certain appeal at a similar price, and I was wondering what you would advise for someone getting back into analogue?
Many thanks again! The Mat-2 sounds like the perfect addition to a NA Space 294 TT.

NA owners seem to be a very collegial group indeed - it must be the soul soothing effect of good music played well at 33 1/3 rpm :-)
In terms of carts, my dealer carries Benz Micro, Ortofon, Sumiko, and Van den Hul (plus I think Clearaudio). This will be the next learning curve...
I am on my third Benz L2. I love this cartridge and just keep coming back to it every time. I tried the Shelter 501, and that wasn't a good match. I tried an Ortofon, too lean. The Dynavector DV-20 is nice too.

Shakeydeal, if I may ask, what kind of music do you prefer?
I was about to replace my enty level Dynavector with something better but ran into Redgum integrated amp and spent all my available funds on it. So cartridge upgrade has to wait for a while. I seek full, coherent and dynamic sound.
I listen to blues, classic rock, jazz and bluegrass. Occasionally I will listen to classical.
