VPI Rim Drive vibrations

I have VPI SSM with RIM drive and SDS. The issue I'm having is a vibration being transferred from rim to the desk/platter. As the result tonarm wobbles a little bit in azimuth plane.
I tried to replace the brownish rim belt, change contact force/distance between the drive and the platter, and reinstall the belt - the vibration still there (exactly one wobble per rim's full revolution - 360 degrees).

The speed stability is very good though - have checked it with KAB Speed Strobe.

Any ideas how to resolve the issue?

Thanks a lot!
Hiendmuse, after placing the coupler under RIM Drive - have you found any RIM drive's body vibrations caused by uneven rusted belt tension?
Mred, there are too many variables to consider - including budget, current cartridge, synergy with other parts of the system...From my experience, switch from Scout Master to SSM with rim drive brought rather dramatic improvement in terms of dynamics, soundstage and lowering noise floor (same cartridge). Another big "WOW" was when I've switched from beloved AcousTech phono preamp to internal phonostage of McIntosh C2300. I thought it's going to be my very last analog setup. Well...then I've got a chance to buy a new Manley SteelHead - well below the regular price. Can't stand to listen to the internal McIntosh C2300 phonostage after Manley. So - it's all up to individual taste/setup
No vibrations. I suspect that the rubber feet on the SAMA contributed somewhat to any possible vibrations I may have had before using the A.S. round couplers.
Hiendmuse, I think that the vibrations are being caused by uneven placement of the ring belt on the RIM wheel. It's almost impossible to put the belt in the wheel's groove evenly