Lenco and Garrard external ac power supply

Been thinking about this recently...Does it even make sense to try to find someone willing to build a power supply for turntables such as the Lenco L75 or Garrard 301 when they were made to just be plugged directly into the wall ac in the first place??

Loricroft makes ones for the 301 that convert ac to dc then back to "perfect" ac again which is what something like a Pure Power ac line conditioner/regenerator does. The neat thing about the Loricroft is that you can apparently adjust the 301's speed with it. It would be trick to find something like that for a Lenco 75 that was not so expensive.

PS audio used to make some big line re-conditioners that did the same sort of thing I think back in the day but I don't know if they are making the same equipmnet still. Furman and a couple others I think do similar things also.

What would be neat would be to find a ac regenerator that you could use to control the speed of either a 301, 401 or Lenco 75. Since they are all AC and can run at 110 or 220 volts maybe its possible, I don;t know but I know the Loricroft controller is way way expensive is it really worth $4000 bucks?? Thats almost as much as a restored 301 or top Lenco....geesh

Maybe you could just save the 4000 bucks and build one??/ Could it really be that tough?..
I will steer clear of nantais, but been warned already, but thanks though for your advice :) Arrogance is often mistaken for knowledge, which in my life experience is misconceiving. In actuality, those possessing true knowledge have nothing to be threatened from, hence their lack of blatant arrogance. Humble knowledge wins every time over arrogance, at least in my opinion. ymmv as they say...
Here is the thing, guys. The SDS and Walker Audio Motor Controller, and probably the PS Audio thingie, would not be expected to do anything for the Garrard or Lenco motors (apart from if you really do have noisy AC coming in). This is because at least the first two products are designed to control AC synchronous motors. The Lenco and Garrard motors are induction type motors. Mark Kelly showed that if you control such motors by reducing voltage, you lose torque until finally at a low enough voltage the torque falls off a cliff (no torque). Whether or not they can be controlled by AC frequency, I don't remember, but since they are not "AC synchronous", purely altering frequency is unlikely to be the solution. I think you have to control both voltage and line frequency. In any case, designing a controller for these motors is a specialized task. Mark Kelly was designing one, but the project is in limbo, at best. On Lenco Heaven there is a long term project to develop a controller and printed circuit boards, I think, will be sold to those who sign up. I have been wondering about the Loricraft, whether it is truly designed correctly to run an induction motor.

I don't see how it could hurt to use a PS Audio or other power regenerator in front of a Lenco or Garrard, if you have noisy AC, but don't expect miracles.

FWIW, my experience is identical to Dave's with his SDS; my Walker Motor Controller, which worked wonders with my Notts tt, does absolutely nothing for my Lenco. In fact, I took the Walker out of the way, because I think the operation of the motor was a touch less good with it vs without it.
Jeremey72, since you seem to value "humble knowledge," would that not preclude prejudice, which is presumed and prejudged knowledge, and not at all humble? Lots of people have agendas and opinions. Certainly Jean has his, and he's a character. But he's a good character, in my experience, and has gone the proverbial extra mile in all of my dealings with him. But then, I approached my interactions with him humbly. YMMV.
I too have had dealings with Jean. My experience was mixed. There was some good and some not so good. But I did not come away thinking he was a bad guy. Sometimes he over-reaches or makes claims that just do not hold up to close inspection. He built up a Lenco in CLD plinth for me. Two tonearm mounts, etc. I had several issues with it upon initial delivery, some of which could have been due to shipper abuse; some not. I had to do the trouble-shooting myself. But eventually we resolved all issues.
Garrard 301's LIKE 220VAC much better than 110VAC.
Probably brcause they were originally designed for 50Hz 220VAC.
Some users actually do the power conversion so as to reproduce that scenario from 120VAC 60Hz mains.
Sounds weird but it does produce better results from the motor.
OTOH...IF you live in an area with 220VAC 50Hz mains then probably best to just plug it directly into the wall.