Vpi Classic motor lubrication

Hi all,
Does anyone have experience lubricating the motor on a Classic? The vpi instructions are somewhat unclear: "Place a drop of 40-weight oil just below the brass piece." Which brass piece?

Also, I guess this means car motor oil...but how to apply? Wouldn't using a needle-point oiler be more precise?

Any help appreciated!

Thank you.
Yes, I know...that brass piece is a head scratcher. What you want to do is get a drop of oil into the bearings below the shaft that comes up and holds the belt pulley. VPI will sell you the proper oil in a dropper bottle. Be careful you don't get any oil on the belt...
Yes, I went through this brain puzzle as well. The "brass piece" is the plate with four hexagonal screws around the motor pulley. I saw some threads on here from a few years ago where posters would advise removing the plate to get to the "brass piece." Not a good idea; you don't want to be messing with the motor assembly. The challenge is that the space between the brass plate and the pulley is probably about 2 mm, if that. It appears after many years of owners complaining about this, Harry finally got the clue -- current versions of the Classic have a much bigger space between the brass edge and the pulley as I saw at my dealer's.

For the those like myself with the "older" versions of the turntable, a dropper that you can purchase at a Right Aid or Duane Reade can do an ok job, but I would strongly suggest a syringe with a needle, if you can get one. As Swanny noted, you WILL leave oil residue on the brass plate, which is a pain to clean up as you have to be super careful not to get any oil on the pulley or the platter. I live in San Diego and it is impossible to get a syringe with a needle here; I guess it's good I'm not a heroin addict. (As a side note, how restricting access to syringes helps with drug addiction is a mystery to me; it seems it would simply force users to share syringes and increase the risk of contracting HIV.) I had a friend bring me a syringe with a needle from Tijuana and it made the job much easier and cleaner. You stick the needle below the pulley and apply a little bit of oil on the pulley bearing.
May I ask, why does not Harry include such 40wgt with the original purchase? No, Harry needs to ask another $10 for such. Remember, Harry is a marketing genius. He knows a cash cow when he sees it.

Actually I admire VPIs repeat business strategy, whom else does this better in the audio industry then VPIs marketing managers?,...Harry is NO fool.