NAD was always good for some laughs - GoNAD! I posited that it stood for "Not Again, Dammit" when we suffered thru all the early NAD equipment failures and returns (they are MUCH better now)...
I just came across one today that I forgot about. The speaker company is called Bag End.
Maybe I am missing something technical here in the name? I don't know, but it just makes me think of the end or bottom of a brown paper lunch bag. Bad name. Not appealing at all. Now where did I put my sandwich? It's in the bottom of your speaker.
Worst is Schiit. I would never own their equipment. It's like, "what's brand is your preamp?" "A Schiit." I can't even fathom that brand to have any resale value...
Best is Accuphase, FM Acoustics, Esoteric, Magico, JBL.
I'm sure many of you already know this, but some of you may not. My best friend had one of the earliest NAD cassette decks in the early '80s, and next to the NAD logo, it said "New Acoustic Dimension" in gold script lettering. So that is, in fact, what NAD stands for.
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