Analysis Paralysis on Phone Stage and MC Cartridge

There is so much information to pore over and try to make an informed decision on the purchase of a Phono Stage and MC cartridge. So, I’ll look for this communities help in point me to an informed decision.
Some parameters that may help you with your recommendation. I have a Clearaudio Concept turntable that I will use. It currently have the included MM cartridge that came with the TT. Price I’m willing to spend is $1200 for each. I listen to classical and rock. Not a jazz fan. However, I do like Amy Winehouse’s’ recording’s. If the TT is NOT up to the performance for the amount of $1200 for the phono stage and $1200 for a MC, then please, I’m willing to spend less. :<) Thanks for any input.
Simaudio LP5.3 for about 800 used, or PS Audio GCPH for about 5-600 new on sale.

Cartridge - Lyra Delos about 1100 slightly used, Ortofon Kontrapunkt B - about 7-800 used, Dynavector 17d3 about 800 slightly used.

The Clearaudio Concept TT can be purchased with a MC, so I assume the arm is good enough for that type of cartridge. I do appreciate the response.

If my AMP Already has a built in phone stage, is adding a phono stage for a MC needed then? I was getting the impression that a phono stage would still be needed for MC.
I looked at my AMP and it has the following specifacations for the Phono Input RCA jacks:

-Input Sensitivity/Input Impedence
PHONO (1kHz, 100W/8 ohm)............3.5mV/47 kOhm

So do I need the external phono stage?
Just because your table and combination can be purchased with a MC does not clear it for a glabal recommendation for all MC's. I assume that most of the time this table is sold with Clearaudio cartridges. These are all high compliance which tend to be easier to match with an arm than models with low compliance or those that pump alot of energy back into the arm. Caution is warrented otherwise you can end up with a very unhappy marriage of cartridge and arm.
your amp will accept a high output mc or a mm. Most higher quality mc are not high output, but some are. I would get an outboard phono preamp.