MC versus MM. Which to choose.

I am pretty much a vinyl newbie so bear with me. What are the benefits and drawbacks of both of these types of cartridges. Is there a clear better choice for someone just getting into vinyl? The MM seem to be less costly but how does it compare sonically? Take for instance the Clearaudio Concept cartridge. The MM retails for $200 while the MC retails for $800. Is the MC version a better sounding cartridge?
He means LPs, Nikola. He means LPs are more important than the gear we use to listen to them. If one is an audiophile, one must always be careful to say that lest the listener were to think one is merely a gearhead.

You guys want vintage? I will give you vintage; I just took delivery on a pair of Beveridge 2SW loudspeakers and their Beveridge direct-drive amplifiers. As a lifelong ESL-ophile, I have finally reached Mt Olympus. (That's Olympus with a "U".) But a listening test will have to await moving the darn things from their shipping crates in my garage to my basement.

I for one consider it to be a personal deficiency to admit that I have not heard either Raul's preamp or JCarr's phono stage. Has anyone else in this little discussion group heard either (besides Raul and JCarr)?
Folks we all must know the gear road will never end. Like was mentioned here the flavor of the week month year will never end. The temptation from trolling these forums will get you sooner or later.

Think about it we've had numerous systems through the years some better than others. But we all have achieved systems that satisfy very well to listen and enjoy our favorite music. Like the man says its the music not the gear for true music lovers.

So like yogi the bear says only you can prevent forest fires
Thank you Lewm. BTW I will watch the speakers forum as
soon as your Beveridge is in the cellar.
