Which Digital Level Gauge to buy?

I want to get a twin axis digital level gauge but am put off by the high price of the CartridgeMan unit.
I have found a gauge (DigiPas DWL 1000 XY) for half the money and wondered if anyone has experience with it or other units.
my bad ... mis-understood Mauidj's request.

Have to agree with Stringreen on this one!
it nails exact level by tenths of a degree so there is no question when you have achieved perfect level in all planes.
Stringreen/Taylor514....There is no way a carpenters level can get the same results as a digital gauge. Change the angle of view of the bubble just slightly and the level reading changes. The digitals are accurate to 0.1 of a degree. Impossible with a regular spirit level. And as a level table is as important as VTA or any other TT setting it is vitally important with a high end rig running contact line type stylus that this is as perfect as possible.

Hiendmuse....does the CartridgeMan unit fit over the spindle or do you just place it on the table somewhere else?

I can see how that would make a difference if the gauge is heavy and it affects the level on a sprung TT. The DigiPas does not fit over the spindle but does weigh less than the CartridgeMan unit.