Nottingham Analogue Interspace azimuth adjust???

I recently acquired a Nottingham Analogue Interspace Jr. turntable with Interspace arm. My Fozgometer and ears tell my that the azimuth is off with my Lyra Delos mounted, but I can't find an obvious way to adjust the azimuth on this arm. The not-so-great manual that comes with doesn't mention any adjustment.
Does anyone know if it can be adjusted?
The distro is a based in San Jose, CA. Here's is their number (408) 971-6159, and ask for Brian. It's better to call them, but if you prefer to contact them online here's their email address:

I will try the elmers glue approach. Thanks for the info.
Thank you. I don't need them right now but I might want to try Tracer cartridge on my Spacedeck/Spacearm later and don't know where to get one.