TT suggestion in the $7 - 10K range?

Looking to get a table in the above range (not including arm) and looking for suggestions and experiences. Brinkman? VPI? SME? To name a few.
I will second the recommendation on the Sota Cosmos IV. I run mine with a SME 309 arm and Lyra Delos cartridge and it provides the best overall sound I have heard in my system. In the price range you are looking at, I think it is unbeatable.
I am quite surprised that the range of recommendations is so narrow (except for Peter's), given the highly permissive price range. I would say that, before you spend any money, you should go wherever necessary and LISTEN to a wide variety of turntables that are within your price range, new or used. Also, it would be foolish to exclude categorically direct-drive and idler-drive options. Take 6 months, if necessary. It will be a rewarding effort. It will also be difficult to control for tonearm/cartridge combinations that have a huge effect on sonics. After a while, you will develop some skill to separate the "sound" of the tt from that of the tonearm/cartridge.
The Tonearm will of course play vital with a reference rig.

Reckon you won't go too far in that realm with a $7K Table, and a $400 arm.

If somebody here would hand me a blank check, I can't help thinking about somebody like Galibier Design. Something about a 40+ lb Platter sounds might sweet to me! lol

Of course their Stelvio II with Arm will set you back a might more than $7K.
You can't go wrong with a used SME 20, which I think sneaks into your price range. I personally like an Amazon Model combined with a Moerch UP4/DP6 (depending on how you like your music, smooooth or present) arm. That's in your price range and as good as anything out there until you get to the stratosphere.
How would the VPI Classic 3 compare to the Sota or any of the others mentioned?