The best speaker you ever heard?

In my opinion, the speaker is by far the most important part of the audio system. After all, it is the only part you hear. OK, the other stuff really matters a lot, but without a great speaker... No go.

I am a bit 'speaker-obsessed' I guess, and now I am wondering: What are the best speakers you have ever heard, and what made them the best?
and at the end of the day it really is all about what you hear regardless of measuring. I fell in love with soundstaging and imaging. That was due to the proacs being more involving that way than other speakers I heard. I've since realized that my Proacs are even better than I tought when I got the new Ayre amp set up to it. I could keep it forever, but I like the Vandy sound better right now. Some wouldn't agree adn would rather hear Proacs. I can live with either and love them. Threre are a ton of speakers I coudl love I guess. Most would feel the same way if they heard them set up properly.
This speaker features 12 NEO 10 planar ribbon push pull drivers, 32 NEO 3 high frequency drivers, 8 woofers and 2 supplied 1200 watt woofer amps. They are amazing I have owned Wisdom Rush System, Genesis 200's, Magneplanars and Apogees.
No comparison the new flagship BG speaker is in another league. The speaker can be used passively with one amp or you can order them for use with an electronic Crossover.
If you do not believe me check out Dr. Sakakini's You Tube Video Key Words: BG Radia Dipole800/FS880
Although these are the prototypes the actual speaker can be found on BG's website.
Casta D8 is my favorite. They don't sound like a pair of speakers to me tonality wise meaning I can't tell that the audio is coming from a woofer and a tweeter in a small sense or that it has artificial type sound like many other speakers do. Instead the D8's have a perfect realism that just sounds like perfect frequency response and pin point imaging floating in front of me. The dynamics in the audio are much better with these speakers at higher volume. When I listen to a big performance with many instruments these speakers remind me of how it would sound if I was at that live event. I find them very musical.
At the RMAF 2013 some of the most well received were:

Vapor Nimbus
Wilson Alexia
Focal Utopia
Sonus Faber Olympica
Magico S1 (really good on Hegel integrated)
SVS towers at 2k were the bargain performers of the show.