Dear Rok2id, To explain the 'point of this discussinon' I
will use this example. This also may explain the difference
between the sense and reference. We in Europe spend a huge
amount of money for the collider in Cern. The 'point' was
that the meaning or the sense of Higgs particle was clear
to any particle physicist. Ie what the contribution of this particle is to the theory . However no physicist knows if this particle exist. Aka if the name 'Higgs particle' has a reference. To answer this question we spend
all this money. If this particle can't be find the whole theory will colapse. Such is 'the force' of reference. You are of course free to explain to us what 'soul' refers to.
I assume that you will produce (then) some 'gibberish' of your own making.
will use this example. This also may explain the difference
between the sense and reference. We in Europe spend a huge
amount of money for the collider in Cern. The 'point' was
that the meaning or the sense of Higgs particle was clear
to any particle physicist. Ie what the contribution of this particle is to the theory . However no physicist knows if this particle exist. Aka if the name 'Higgs particle' has a reference. To answer this question we spend
all this money. If this particle can't be find the whole theory will colapse. Such is 'the force' of reference. You are of course free to explain to us what 'soul' refers to.
I assume that you will produce (then) some 'gibberish' of your own making.