Some tables have soul and some not

Why is that? Do you think it is always very subjective?
Say, Nottingham Spacedeck does have it and SME does not even if in some respects SME can be called a better or depending on model much better table.
Thoughts, opinions, name callings ?
Dear Rok2id, You have obviously never heard about phylosophy of science. The truth values are from logic.The logical schematics mark the places with variables which need to be filled in with names such that an sentence function can become a sentence with a sense. But the names must have a reference for the truth values. You mentioning of Hitler en Stalin in this context says more about you than about those persons or me. But to put this more clearly: religion has nothing to do with science.

"religion has nothing to do with science."

God has a lot to do with Science. Unless you believe the universe and all it's laws just happened by chance.

A word of advice, get you a good english dictionary, I think some of your points are being lost. At lest I have trouble following your line of thought.
Dear Rok2id, Your trouble to follow my thoughts are not caused by my English but by your education. You have no idea what you are talking about. BTW what is the reference of your word 'God'?
"religion has nothing to do with science".
The one who says it understands exactly nothing.
Nandric is suffering from what is called philosofical intoxication. That's why he makes no sense. There isn't by definition any sense in this kind of though process.As a consequence, people like that cannot positively contribute to the discussion, an even negatively.
I just found this thread, and was interested in the topic, and felt I had some thoughts on the subject. I started to read through the thread, and see that it has veered in a million directions.
In response to the op, I would like to share my experience. I owned a very expensive German turntable, tonearm and cartridge - all extremely well reviewed. The problem was I rarely listened to it. When I would reach for something to put on, cd"s always won out. That's a pretty strong indication that something was wrong. A friend suggested I listen to one of Steve Dobbens reconditioned Garrard 301's. I bought one, with a triplanar arm, and a Dynavector xv1s, and now my analog sings. The German table did everything right; it just had no soul. The 301 has me plowing through my record collection; it has soul.