Some tables have soul and some not

Why is that? Do you think it is always very subjective?
Say, Nottingham Spacedeck does have it and SME does not even if in some respects SME can be called a better or depending on model much better table.
Thoughts, opinions, name callings ?
Dear Nandric,
I just returned having spent 4 weeks in the US.
My impression is that people tend to become a bit more aggressive or let`s say less patient with the rest of the world and also with their own government. As you know military is one of my hobbies (now passive, on history and consulting only). I just learned that the US forces withdraw about 15000 people from Europe due to cost reasons most properly. And I think they are right. They need to reduce expenses as the European armies too. But you have seen what this means when the Russian forces went back to their barracks in Russia 1990. The Russian government had to create new jobs and opportunities for soldiers and military civil personal. This is quite a challenge doing so.
So maybe our friend has found a new job here :-) now kicking our ass...

best & fun only
I forgot Nandric,
foreign and national US debt is just a matter of perspective. When you ask US citizen they usually will tell you that they fear more the European debt...

best & fun only

Czapp, thanks for providing the details of the sound. I do not know what element of the sound is "captivating" to you. While the things you listed are important in sound quality and certainly can enhance listening experience but for me I have noticed harmonic richness and natural texture provides great sonic pleasure. If a turntable does not have the "bloom" and natural harmonic decay--as if a Monet painted by a cubist--I lose interest. The Garrard 301 you mentioned is a harmonically pleasing machine and not to mention its juicy tone so I don't blame you for liking it. It is this reason I part ways with certain popular and highly touted direct-drive turntable, even if their specs and speed accuracy are in top shape. When another direct-drive table is heard with no cogging or whatever soul sucking element is gone, the sound is much more relaxed and "captivating."

I like to listen to as much variety of music as possible, from Bach to Slayer, to determine if I like the sound of a turntable or not but I also developed a personal quickie test by playing music with double bass for checking "bloom" or harmonic decay and violin for texture, smoothness, and lack of cogging. After hearing the replay of those two instruments I already have a good idea if I like the table or not. Even better if there's piano in there...

There was a day one of my dd tables had speed issue and before I check it with the strobe light the sound I heard was just cold and uninvolving as if all the warmth has sucked out of the room and yet all the other sonic elements were still there and then I saw a tiny slight jitters visibly on the strobe. So after some tinkering, the table is back to running normal and the sound or "soul" is restored. It was this experience that I started to believe, at least in dd tables, the importance of eliminating cogging, however microscopic it may be, is a worth cause. Of course, I am sure there are other things that can affect the sound of tables of different genres. We just have to find out what they are so we can regain the soul.

Anyway, thanks for the reply.

Dear Thuchan, 'foreign and national debt is a matter of perspective'? This must be some new economic theory. Ie it seems to allow an easy way out: change the perspective.
However if you compare the European central bank with the American you should pay more attention to the printing (money) press. As a German you are of course aware about the German fear for the inflation. So no European bonds nor
printing press will be allowed by the Germans. If I am correct that is. Glad to 'see' you back btw.

Kind regards,

I would have sworn you were french. You 'sound' french. I just looked it up and you are dutch. A lot of big talk from a person from such a small and insignificate country. One question, what was the dutch contribution to CERN? I know all of this has nothing to do with audio, or has any place on a audiophile web site, but there is no way I will let a worm like you put down the country and the men and women that made such a sacrifice on your behalf. Of course, these days everyone is an 'America Basher' Weren't many like you around in Holland in 1940-45. I think the germans did a much better job of handling you people. We should have left it to them. BTW, currently there are quite a few of your countrymen in my area. Training at the local Military post. You can always recognize them. They all wear hair-nets and they wear orange socks. No wonder the Red Army ran back to Russia.