Some tables have soul and some not

Why is that? Do you think it is always very subjective?
Say, Nottingham Spacedeck does have it and SME does not even if in some respects SME can be called a better or depending on model much better table.
Thoughts, opinions, name callings ?
may I ask you also a simple question:

what is your contribution to this thread's topic so far?
Rambo Rik, To which 'mess' are you refering? What is 'a battle of wits with unarmed people'? We are fighting with, say, words but I can easely get some Kalashnikov in Bosnia for $150. Ie to belong to the 'ármed people'. Are you suggesting that you are unarmed? If so what kind of military are you? I thought that 'armed people in a battle'
should be your prefered battle territory .
Dear Thuchan, During my time in communist Yugoslavia any discussion needed to satisfy the 'party line'. The problem was : nobody had any idea what 'party line' means so there
was a huge number of 'political prisoners'. This story is for Inna who seems to be familiar with Yugo history.
Three political prisoners have the following discussion.
A to B: 'why are you here?'
B: 'I was againist Djilas and got 10 years'.
B to A: 'and you?'
A: 'I was pro Djilas and got 15 years'.
A and B to C: 'and you?'
C: 'I am Djilas and I got 20 years'.

( Djilas was one of the most important party members)

Dear Nandric,
may I translate. I think Rok2id means he prefers Tango or Foxtrott after having had a Whiskey...

the Dijlas joke is good! and this was very real I can assume.

best @ fun only
I had started a thread about what are the best TTs. Of course best is relative and may mean something different to different people. I have watched that some guys really love their baby. It might be not the most musical or really highly praised TT by the critics but there is something special regarding their TTs they will never say good by to these tables.

If you develop such a personal relation to a "simple tool" and we would ask those aficionados about their preference I am quite sure they would come back and tell us their TT has a kind of personality or soul. No I am not on drugs...

I am rather keen in learning which TTs definitely have NO soul?
Who can help me?

best @ fun only