Regards, Nandric: Nikola, my reply concerned what constituted a "typical" American. As one of the two examples of that peculiar species hanging around on this thread I felt it somewhat incumbent to respond, it had nothing to do with the "tall people" comments. You were simply faster to the enter key. Had I read your post first it would have been modified. Please accept this clarification.
Meanwhile, our forum brother was having a jolly good time with those "American" jibes. It was percieved as such and offense was neither received nor intentionally given in return, as have been none of the other comments concerning the U.S. Ethnocentrism and its sources are easily understood, sometimes justifiable and rarely a thing to be ashamed of. There is little reason to become upset about it. Rational discussion and amicable resolution of differing views should be attainable considering the obvious educational attainment of (at least) the other participants.
In the spirit of give and take and in good humor, In_shore could tease to an even greater degree and still be a welcome guest in my backwoods Kentucky home. We could trade a few ripostes, perhaps down a few and spin some vinyl on my beat up old rig while watching the deer pee in the front yard. Yeah, In_shore, right here/right now, being an American is good. There have, though, been times---
Think I'll sit the next few out. Bash away.