Nagra VPS or Tron Seven Ref phono stages?

My cartridge is a Clearaudio Accurate; best settings 400 ohms loading 50-60dB gain

Comparison of the two please from anyone who has experience of both

Thanks in advance
The Nagra VFS... is pretty expensive as a anti-vibration platform. What impacts did you get with this? Hopefully not a cleaner, sterile, thinner sound....
Cleans up the soundstage and brings out more relaxed and warm sound but a bit more detail due to lower noise floor, I agree it's pricey, but really looks good not more clean/sterile for sure...

I suspect something like a symposium ultra or gran prix apex footers are also great idea for less $
I too own a PL-L and it is located on a Grand Prix Audio Monaco rack with F1 shelves. Despite my skepticism, the VFS actually improved the presentation in ways similar to what Jfrech mentioned over placing it on the Monaco directly. I purchased it.