Upgrade from Rega P5

I am a very happy P5 owner that is considering the next level. My P5 has the GT sub plater and acrylic plater. Wonderful sound but I know there is more to hear with better tables. I'd love to hear anyone else's similar upgrade story and suggestions. I'm thinking 4 to 5K for a budget. Thank You
Everyone's got their preferences... I'd look at VPI and Rega before anything else.
Have you ever thought of upgrading the arm? For under a grand you could try the Audiomods Rega. Drops right in now you have VTA adjustment and is a big step up from the stock Rega arm on the P5. Not to mention you still have the Rega arm to sell or put on another table.

I have a Majik LP-12... Im not a big fan at all, way way to sensitive to foot fall. I think for around $5k you can do a heck of alot better. I just don't see the value in this table. I am using an Adikt cartridge and the table just came back from being calibrated. It wears me out, It does't make me want to listen to my vinyl, actually makes me want to play CD's... I have owned it 3 months and can't wait to trade it in.
My suggestion is take 1 home first. I wish I had spent more time auditioning mine before I bought it.

I will probably try a VPI or a Nottingham next
RP8 is a big time leap forward from the P5. No doubt Rega's biggest bang for the buck right now. $3,000.00 would do it, Spend the extra $$$ on a Lyra Delos and you will have a state of the art Rega TT for about $4,650.00.