Retip Transfiguration Orpheus

Hi guys,

what would you think is the best way to re tip einTransfiguration Orpheus? Original is a Ogura PA (about 3x30) were used. I plan to have possible close to the original. Has anyone done this time? Smith Sound, Expert Stylus, other possibilities?
At Transfiguration Retipping one for an Orpheus is no longer possible!

Greetings ... Gerhard
Dear Gerhard, Axel whom I already mentioned can provide:
shiabta, nude line, hyper elliptical and Gyger II.
He has more then 30 years of experience and already delivered
some astonishing achievements by repair of carts which anyone else refused to even consider. I hope that some of the styli mentioned are a good replacement for the Ogura PA. BTW on his site Axel added: other styli on request.
After nearly 6 months stay in the Expert Stylus Orpheus now plays very well, it just had the diamond (Paratrace) are mounted. There were no other work required. The typical sound character has been preserved ... recommended!

Thank you for all the nice replies!
